Concrete Acceleration

Why Calcium Chloride in Concrete?

Investigations have shown that a two per cent addition of calcium chloride has equal cure strength at 50F as plain concrete has at 70F. Regardless of the temperature or cement type, concrete mixes containing calcium chloride will always have a faster cure rate than plain concrete. The beneficial effects of calcium chloride will be even more pronounced at lower temperatures. The accelerated cure rate measured as final concrete set time can be reduced by two-thirds when two per cent calcium chloride is added – two hours compared to six hours for plain concrete.*

Our calcium chloride can accelerate cement hydration reducing its set time.

That means:

  • higher initial strength
  • reduced final set time
  • reduced bleeding
  • improved workability
  • fast form work turnaround
  • greater cost effectiveness
  • beneficial when used with fly ash

*Effect of Calcium Chloride on Portland Cements and Concretes. Paul Rapp, Highway Research Board Publication.


Low temperatures slow concrete hydration. That is why an accelerator is needed to obtain high initial strength. Calcium Chloride accelerates hydration and gives concrete the strength and durability to meet specification requirements at lower temperatures.

The American Concrete Institute Committee 306 has suggested procedures to achieve a quality product in adverse conditions. The use of calcium chloride assists in reaching the concrete’s desired strength by accelerating the cement’s hydration. Calcium Chloride is the most cost-effective accelerator for today’s modern concrete.

Along with ACI recommendations, the latest reference information from the National Ready Mix Concrete Association and the Portland Cement Association concerning cold weather concrete construction is also recommended.


Concrete advantages can be achieved when two percent of calcium chloride is added to 100 pounds of cement, the rate recommended by the cement industry. But what is defined as two percent? Two percent is defined as two pounds 77%-80% flake material per 100 pounds of cement. Concentrations other than 77%-80% need to be converted back to equivalent flake poundage. To find the correct dosage of various calcium chloride concentrations, use the tables supplied below.

Equivalency Solutions
Two Percent (per 100 pounds of cement)
Liquid 29% 2.00 quarts
Liquid 32% 1.76 quarts
Flake 77-80% 2.00 pounds
Pellet 94-97% 1.64 pounds
Two Percent Calcium Chloride – Cement Pounds/Cubic Yard (metric)
PRODUCT 450 pounds 500 pounds 550 pounds 600 pounds 650 pounds 700 pounds
Liquid 29% 9.0 qt (8.521) 10.0 qt (9.461) 11.0 qt (l 0.421) 12.0 qt (1 1.361) 13.0 qt (12.31) 14. 0 qt (1 3.251)
Liquid 32% 7.94 qt (7.521) 8.82 qt (8.351) 9.7 qt (9.181) 10.59 qt (1 0.01) 11.5 qt (1 0.851) 12.4 qt (1 1.691)
Flake 77-80% 9.0 lb (4.08 kg) 10 lb (4.54 kg) 11 lb (4.99 kg) 12 lb (5.44 kg) 13 lb (5.90 kg) 14 lb (6.35 kg)
Pellet 94-97% 7.4 lb (3.35 kg) 8.2 lb (3.63 kg) 9.0 lb (3.95 kg) 9.8 lb (4.35 kg) 10.6 lb (4.72 kg) 11.4 lb (5.18 kg)